Dr. Stephen Kaufman
Denver, CO.
(303) 756-9567
Neck Pain: A New, Gentler, More Effective Approach
Ear Disorders, Vertigo, Dizziness, Phobias, and P.T.S.D.-
Migraine and Stroke: Some Incredible Breakthroughs in Treatment, Even Years After a Stroke (with possible applications for head injuries, migraine, Parkinson's, autism, seizures, depression, multiple sclerosis, panic disorder, tinnitus, etc.)
Improving Athletic Performance With Joint Glides
Foot Pain- Rapid Relief from Most Types Without Surgery
Emotional Loss, Grief, and Trauma: A Real Cure for Rapid Recovery
Phobias: A True Cure With Thought Field Therapy
How to Reduce Anxiety and Stop Your Emotions from Causing Physical Symptoms!
Neural Facilitation Technique (NFT) ™
More on how Neural Facilitation Technique ™ works
Phobias and Extreme Shyness: Rapid, Permanent Treatment in Denver with Thought Field Therapy!
Why medicine is often dangerous: you need to be aware
Stress Reduction : a Breakthrough!
Acupuncture- Breakthroughs and Exciting New Developments!
Chronic Disease as a Model of Accelerated Aging (and how to prevent them both)