Dr. Stephen Kaufman
Denver, CO.
(303) 756-9567
Why medicine is often dangerous: you need to be aware
Every report on this page is from medical doctors, most of them from highly respected medical journals. Here's the good news: for almost all of these medical conditions, there are effective, natural, safe alternatives!!!!! Give us a call.
Back surgery is almost always unnecessary! Leading surgeon recommends chiropractors.
Orthopedic surgeons recommend chiropractic care
Why knee surgery for arthritis may be worthless
Many medical x rays are unnecessary, and all are dangerous
Cholesterol lowering drugs may be dangerous.
More warning about cholesterol medications.
Botox may cause new wrinkles. Or worse.
Half of all hospital drug injections are wrong
Dangers of antidepressant drugs. And another book.
Hormone Replacement Therapy is harmful.
Estrogen raises women's risk of heart disease.
Cholesterol lowering drugs may not improve long term health.
Medical doctors Are The Third Leading Cause of Death in the US, Causing 250,000 Deaths Every Year
ADD and nutrition-Part 1, with Lendon Smith, M.D.
Dangers of Ritalin. More dangers.
One in Ten Adults Has Received Acupuncture
Medical doctors have no training in nutrition.
Viagra may cause headaches ("Not tonight, dear....) ("I can but...I can't.)
Great danger of antibiotic overuse.
High blood pressure can be lowered by vitamin C
Antibiotics for childhood ear infections may be harmful.
Antibiotic overuse is a serious and growing problem in the world: FDA requires warning to doctors.
FDA warns that half of all antibiotic prescriptions are unnecessary and harmful!
Dangers of many prescription drugs. Many side effects are life threatening!
Dangerous side effects from medications are very widespread.
When doctors go on strike, the death rate goes down! (This has been documented many times in the past thirty years.)
Dangers of psychiatric medication (antidepressants and anxiolytics) in adults and children.
Is blood pressure medication always necessary?
Side effects of blood pressure medications (common and often severe)
Natural treatment and prevention of West Nile virus
Do patients always follow doctors' orders? NO!
Physical symptoms that can be caused or aggravated by emotional stress