Dr. Stephen  Kaufman

Denver, CO.

(303) 756-9567                                                               

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Physical symptoms that may be  aggravated by emotional stress, and therefore may be relieved with Neural Facilitation Treatment


   These symptoms usually have a physical cause but may also be aggravated and made much worse  by emotional stress, according to John Sarno, M.D., professor of medicine. They are not all in your head!

  ·        Low back pain, diagnosed with one or more of the following: Sciatica, Osteoarthritis, Spinal stenosis,  Herniated/bulging/degenerated lumbar disc, Scoliosis, Spondylolysthesis, Piriformis syndrome, Weak/inflexible torso or hip muscles, Spina bifida occulta, Spondylolysis, Transitional vertebra.

·        Neck/shoulder pain, diagnosed with one or more of the following: Osteoarthritis, Pinched nerve, Herniated/bulging/degenerated cervical disc, Whiplash, Thoracic outlet syndrome, Weak/inflexible neck, shoulder girdle, or rotator cuff muscles, Rotator cuff tears, Bursitis, Tendonitis.

·        Knee pain, diagnosed with one or more of the following:  Tendonitis, Torn meniscus, Chondromalacia, Unstable patella, Muscular imbalances around the knee joint, Osteoarthritis

·        Elbow pain, diagnosed with one or more of the following: Tennis elbow, Tendonitis, Muscular imbalances around the elbow joint, Osteoarthritis

·        Foot/lower leg pain, diagnosed with one or more of the following: Tendonitis, Plantar fasciitis, Plantar metatarsalgia, Neuroma, Flat feet, Calcium deposit/heel spur, Shin splints, Muscular imbalances around the ankle or foot joints, Osteoarthritis

·        Wrist/hand pain, diagnosed with one or more of the following: Carpal tunnel syndrome/repetitive stress injury, Tendonitis, Muscular imbalances around the wrist or hand joints, Osteoarthritis

·        Nerve dysfunction, diagnosed with one or more of the following: Sciatica, Carpal tunnel syndrome/repetitive stress injury, Trigeminal neuralgia/tic douloureux, Bell's palsy

·        Temporal mandibular joint syndrome (TMJ)

·        Fibromyalgia

·        Myofascial pain syndrome

·        Tension myalgia

·        Chronic pain

·        Gastrointestinal disorders: Heartburn/acid reflux, Hiatus hernia, Gastritis, Ulcer, Nervous stomach, Spastic colon, Irritable bowel syndrome, Colitis

·        Circulatory disorders: Tension headache, Migraine, Raynaud's phenomenon (excessively cold hands/feet)

·        Genitourinary disorders: Frequent urination, Urinary tract infections, Prostatitis

·        Cardiac disorders: Rapid pounding heartbeat (paroxysmal auricular tachycardia), Extra (ectopic) heartbeats

·        Immune system disorders: Allergies, Asthma attacks, Frequent infections, Skin disorders, Epstein-Barr syndrome

·        Psychological disorders: Depression, Anxiety, Panic attacks, Obsessive-compulsive disorder

·        Miscellaneous disorders: Dizziness/vertigo, Tinnitus (ringing in the ears), Chronic fatigue syndrome, Laryngitis/spasmodic dysphonia



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