Dr. Stephen  Kaufman                                                                                                     Functional Myology™                 Denver, CO.                                                  

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     Dear Doctor or Practioner,

    Chiropractic was discovered by one man, over a hundred years ago.

    What if some one else today made a discovery as big as D.D. Palmer’s ?  What if there were other methods that were just as effective or more so, but completely gentle and without trauma? What if there was a way to align the body with immediately observed results, pain relief, and no  chance of injury whatsoever?

    I have been fortunate to discover new,  different, and extremely effective treatments for neck problems, headaches, sciatica, back pain, TMJ problems, and dizziness. Results are often rapid and dramatic! There is usually an immediate and startling increase in cervical rotation or lumbar flexion, without pain! Patients frequently go from 20 to 90 degrees of cervical rotation, in less than a minute, even if they’ve had limitation for decades! The treatment is completely gentle and can’t cause any exacerbation. It's perfect for all patients, no matter how fragile. No expensive machines, nothing to buy. 

    In 1990 I had an 83 year old patient named Ruby. She would get severe vertigo and nearly fall over whenever she turned her head or bent forward. I eventually discovered a problem in the soft tissues in the upper part of her neck. As I gently corrected this (without using any type of thrust or force), she immediately regained normal function without any dizziness whatsoever. This was a permanent improvement. Since then I have treated many, many vertigo and dizziness patients; almost all of them have had startling improvement or cure, and regained full neck motion and freedom from pain. Eventually I discovered a whole series of techniques that dramatically relieved neck limitations, headaches, neck pain, etc.

    I have practiced for over 25 years, developed many original soft tissue techniques and published over 75  clinical research papers.  Fifteen years ago I set out to develop new, gentle ways to  relieve  pain much better and faster , restore full range of motion, and align all the structures of the body without using  force. Didn't you always suspect there were secret chiropractic techniques that magically relieve pain? 

    Many  of the techniques I've learned over the years did not consistently help patients feel better. I sincerely believe the techniques we will learn make dramatic, rapid changes in the symptoms I describe. In fact I guarantee it. Many doctors have now learned these techniques and are getting the same exciting results. These methods will absolutely change the way you view your practice and life as a doctor! Check out the doctor's testimonials.

    Why not double your practice by providing a gentle ,extraordinarily effective alternative to every other doctor in your town? Build a practice without managed care or advertising! I’ll show you how I did this. These methods  can be used along with all your present techniques! The following patients  are typical:

    “…I developed severe chest pain, agitation, paraesthesia in my leg, and involuntary curling of the toes of my left foot. I was miserable around the clock. My physicians indicated there was nothing more they could do for me. After three sessions (with Dr. Kaufman) I am almost completely clear of the problem…” Dr. Tom Giles, PhD. (psychologist)

    Larry had constant, severe, full spinal pain, inability to eat because of bad stomach distress, and marked shortness of breath for a year following a coronary by pass surgery. He was extremely weak. His heart function (ejection fraction) was only 35%. After several treatments all spinal and intestinal pain cleared up, his respiratory distress stopped, energy increased markedly, and re-testing by his cardiologist showed his heart function to be 81%! His family doctor was shocked.

    Bob had constant sciatica for fifty years (!). He had never slept more than a few hours because of pain. After several  visits his sciatic pain was  gone.

    Geri had vertigo  and trigeminal neuralgia several times a week for the past twenty years. She  spent days in bed each month due to dizziness. After the first week of treatments her vertigo (and facial pain) completely disappeared.

    These  are typical  results from these techniques.  Do you have an area of chronic pain?  

    All classes are independent; you can take any or all.

    If you or any of your patients have ongoing neck pain, dizziness, TMJ pain, headaches, sciatica, or hypertension that has not responded to treatment, please call me now for  more information!   


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