Dr. Stephen Kaufman
Denver, CO.
(303) 756-9567
Aggressive and Hyperactive Behavior in Kids Related to Vitamin Deficiencies
Werbach, Melvyn: Nutritional influences on aggressive behavior. J Ortho Med 1995; v.7, no. 1. Evidence is emerging that iron deficiency among adolescent males has been shown to be directly associated with aggressive behavior.
Schoenthaler, SJ, Bier ID:The effect of vitamin-mineral supplementation on juvenile delinquency among American schoolchildren:a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled trial. J Altern Complement Med 2000; 6(1):7-17. Numerous studies conducted in juvenile correctional institutions have reported that violence and serious antisocial behavior have been dramatically reduced after implementing nutrient dense diets.
Walsh,W:Zinc deficiency, metal metabolism, and behavioral disorders. Report of the Health Research Institute 1995. This study focuses on persons born with a metal-metabolism disorder often resulting in episodic violence, hyperactivity and conduct disorder.
Sever Y, Ashkenazi A, Tyano S, Weizman, A: Iron treatment in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. A preliminary report. Neuropsych 1997; 35(4):178-80.
A study of 14 boys aged 7-11 years using iron for therapeutic treatment of hyperactivity.
The report recommends further study based on the finding that increased blood iron resulted in the reduction of aggressive behaviors.
Department of Family Medicine, Pomeranian Medical Academy, Poland: The effects of magnesium physiological supplementation on hyperactivity in children with ADHD.
Mag Res 1997; 10(2):149-56. The report from this institute states that dietetic factors can play a significant role in the origin of ADHD and that magnesium deficiency can result in disruptive behaviors.
Schoenthaler S: Vitamins Against Crime: supplementation and antisocial behavior in institutions. Medical Nutrition 1990; 34-37. Brain function requires adequate nutrition, and correction of chronic undernutrition can improve antisocial behavior. Researchers have found that vitamin and mineral tests can be a good indicator of violent behavior.
Sanstead H: A brief history of the influence of trace elements on brain function. J Clin Nutrit 1986; 43:293-98. Historically iron, copper, manganese and zinc deficiency have been associated with mental impairment. Manifestations of such deficiencies include confusion, violence, dullness and death.
Schoenthaler S: Applied nutrition and behavior. J Applied Nutr 1991;43(1):31-39.
This research showed that nutrient dense diets in 813 state facilities resulted in significantly improved conduct. The distribution of vitamin and mineral supplements was a significant factor in promoting less violent behavior.
Schrauzer G, Vroey E: Effects of nutritional lithium supplementation on mood. Biological Trace Element Res 1994; 40:89-101. The results of an intensive study of former drug users, violent offenders or those with a history of domestic violence assert that lithium supplementation has a mood improving and stabilizing effect. Authors suggest that a nutritional lithium supplement may be a valuable drug in violence and suicide prevention programs.
Lonsdale D, et al: J of Advancement of Medicine 1994; 7(3):171-180. A review of the potential for high calorie malnutrition as a link for senseless violence and crime. The author asserts that if it is true that body chemistry plays a role in abnormal behavior, that it is largely a waste of time to treat violent criminals by incarcerating them and ignoring the critical factor of their diet.
Walsh W, et al.:Elevated blood copper/zinc ratios in assaultive young males. Physiology and Behavior 1997; 62(2)327-329. Stresses the importance of the study of different metal ratios and their association with behavior in an effort to identify those with increased risk.
Improvement in biochemistry in these individuals is seen as very beneficial.
Carney MWP:Vitamin deficiency and mental symptoms. British Journal of Psychiatry 1990;156:878-882. Study reveals that 53% of unselected patients admitted to psychiatric hospital unit were vitamin deficient. Vitamin B deficiency has been associated with neuropsychiatric disorders and depression. Additionally, folic acid deficiency has been linked to affective illnesses.
Gottschalk L, et al.:Abnormalities in hair trace elements as indicators of aberrant behavior. Comprehensive psychiatry 1991; 32(3):229-237. The authors suggest that abnormal trace mineral metabolism may be involved in aggressive behavior and that careful mineral analysis could be effective in identifying those who are predisposed to such behavior.
Rosen GM, et al.:Iron deficiency among incarcerated juvenile delinquents. J Adolesc Health Care 1985;6:419-423. This study from 1985 can be viewed as one of the early looks at the effects of iron deficiency and abnormal behavior. Through research performed in juvenile detention facilities, a high prevalence of iron deficiency was found among both male and female inmates. The study suggests further research into the problem of behavior issues and iron deficiency.
Lead Exposure and Child Behavior. American Journal of Public Health 1992; 82(10):1356-1359. This study evaluated blood lead levels of young children. The group with the highest levels of lead present in blood samples was found to score the highest in Total Problem Behavior Score checklists.
Stevens L., et al:Phospholipids influence behavior. The Nutrition Report 1996;38:(May-June). A study performed on equal number of young boys, half with low fatty acid measures, showed that behavior problems were significantly higher in the study group with the lower acid levels. Greater number of health and learning problems occurred in the lower level group as well.
Magnesium reduces hyperactivity. Autism Research Review 1998;12(2):4. Children in this study were ages 7 to 12. After a 6-month period, the control group, which received no magnesium supplementation, was found to have behavior that worsened, whereas the other children receiving magnesium supplementation therapy had statistically improved results in behavioral assessment scales.
Walsh W, et al.:Elevated blood copper/zinc ratios in assaultive young males. Physiol Behav 1997;49(1):327-329. Research spanning a period of 20 years has revealed abnormal trace metal concentrations in violence prone young males 3-20 years of age.
This study tested the validity of the observation that young assaultive males have elevated blood copper/zinc levels when compared to those with no history of assaultive behavior.
Schmidt K, et al.:Clinical ecology treatment approach for juvenile offenders. J Behav Ecology:Biosocial 1981:2(1). It was found through this study that hair copper levels of young males classified as delinquent, was found to be at a higher level than lab norms.
Lonsdale D, Schamberger R. Red cell transketolase as an indicator of nutritional deficiency. Am J Clin Nutr 1980;33(2):205-211. In a study of patients with biochemical evidence of thiamine deficiency related to junk food diets, the adolescents especially were found to be impulsive, irritable, aggressive and angered easily.
Schrauzer GN, Shrestha KP: Lithium in drinking water and the incidences of crimes, suicides and arrests related to drug addictions. Biol Trace E.em Res 1990;25(2):105-113.
Data collected from 27 counties in Texas, when adjusted for population density, show that the incidence of homicide, suicide and rape were significantly high in areas where the drinking water contained little or no lithium. Results of this study suggest that low level doses of lithium have a beneficial effect on human behavior.
Behavior Disorders and Nutrition
Benton, David: Vitamin/Mineral Supplementation and the Intelligence of Children-A Review. J of Orthomolecular Medicine 1995;7(1). A review of seven studies examining the impact of vitamin/mineral supplementation on children’s performance in intelligence tests. The taking of supplements was associated with improved performance and may be associated with improved mood and the ability to sustain attention.
Schoenthaler SJ, et.al.:The effect of vitamin-mineral supplementation on the intelligence of American schoolchildren:a randomized, double blind placebo-controlled trial. J Altern Complement Med 2000; 6(2):19-29. This study of children ages 6-12 confirms that vitamin-mineral supplementation raised the non-verbal performance of school children whose diets lack essential nutrients. Supplementation resulted in a gain in IQ scores and academic performance.
Starobrat-Hermelin,B;Kozielec T:The effects of magnesium psychological supplementation on hyperactivity in children with ADHD.Magnes Res 1997;10(2):149-56. This study assesses the influence of Magnesium supplementation on hyperactivity in patients with ADHD. Children aged 7-12 years diagnosed as ADHD participated in this 6 month study. Results of the study recognized that a significant increase of magnesium, as measured in the contents of hair samples, showed a significant decrease in hyperactivity.
Schoenthaler SJ, Bier ID:The effect of vitamin-mineral supplementation on juvenile delinquency among American schoolchildren. J Altern Complement Med 2000;6(1):7-17.
Violent and anti-social behavior, such as threats, vandalism, disorderly and defiant actions are linked to low concentrations of water soluable vitamins in the blood. Correction of the nutrient intake through vitamin-mineral supplementation improves brain function and lowers institutional violence and antisocial behavior. This was a study of schoolchildren aged 6-12 years.
Black MM:Zinc deficiency and child development. Am J Clin Nutr1998;68(suppl):464S-469S. Zinc, a trace metal present in the brain, contributes to its structure and function. There is evidence that a deficiency in this metal delays cognitive development and may interfere with cognitive performance. This article suggests that the relationship between a zinc deficiency and cognitive development may vary by the age of the child.
Kozielec T, Starobrat-Hermelin B:Assessment of magnesium levels in children with ADHD. Magnes Res1997;10(2):143-8. The conclusion from this recent study is that magnesium deficiency in children with ADHD occurs more frequently than in healthy children. The research focused on a group of 116 children, primarily boys, ages 9-12.
Stevens LJ, et a.: Omega-3 fatty acids in boys with behavior, learning, and health problems. Physiol Behav 1996;59(4-5):915-20. This study compared boys ages 6 to 12 with low fatty acid levels to those with higher level of fatty acids. More learning and health problems were found in the boys with lower fatty acid concentrations. Using the Connors’ Rating Scale, this group was also found to have a greater number of behavior problems, temper tantrums and sleep problems.
Carlton RM, Ente G, Blum L. Rational dosages of nutrients have a prolonged effect on learning disabilities. Altern Ther Health Med 2000;6(3):85-91. Learning disabled children in this study showed significant academic and behavioral improvements within a few weeks with treatment of nutrient supplements. A gain in reading comprehension occurred within the first year. The results of this study support the concept that learning disabilities may in some cases are a nutrient responsive disorder.
Colgan M, Colgan L. Do nutrient supplements and dietary changes affect learning and emotional reactions of children with learning difficulties? Nutr Health 1984;3(1-2);69-77. Children in this study were given an individually designed vitamin and mineral supplement and their diets were changed to reduce sugars and refined foods. The subjects in the study, ages 5-15 years, were observed to have improvements in behavior in school as well as at home. The group also made great gains in reading skills and scored higher on standardized tests.
Bruner AB, et al. Randomized study of cognitive effects of iron supplementation in non-anemic iron-deficient adolescent girls. Lancet 1996;348(9033):992-6. A group of teen aged high school girls who were determined to be iron deficient participated in an 8-week study. Results of screening at the end of trial period showed that girls who received iron supplementation performed better on verbal learning and memory tests than those who did not.
Benton D, Haller J, Fordy J. Vitamin Supplementation for one year improves mood. Neuropsychobiology 1995;32(2)98-105. This study explored the benefits of taking vitamin supplements as a way of influencing mood. Both the male and female subjects reported that after 12 months of taking vitamin supplements they experienced a more agreeable mood. Female subjects in particular reported a feeling of more composure and better mental health after an increase in their level of thiamin.
Walsh WJ et al. Elevated blood copper/zinc ratios in assaultive young males. Physiol Behav 1997;49(1):327-9. Blood samples taken from a group of male patients age 3 to 20 years were analyzed for copper and zinc concentrations. The patients had been diagnosed as violence prone and assaultive. A statistically higher level of these elements than is normal was found in the blood samples of these patients, indicating a possible link to violent and aggressive behavior patterns.
Gibson RS. Zinc, a critical nutrient in growth and development. New Zealand Medical Journal 1998; 111(1061). Signs of zinc deficiency can include genetic disorders, poor growth and weight gain among children, poor appetite and lethargy. Zinc supplements when used in conjunction with a balanced diet and adequate nutritional intake can improve and often eliminate these problems.
Neural Organization Technique- was developed out of applied kinesiology specifically to treat kids with learning disabilities. Some information on it follows.
Neural Organization Technique is a non invasive, neurologically correct, kinesiologically based treatment protocol designed to specifically organize or reorganize the central nervous system. It is demonstrable, repeatable, predictable and reversible. It is designed to find and correct any deficit or deficits in the survival reflex systems k.a. Feeding, Fight/Flight, Reproduction and the Immune Systems.
The initial N.O.T. treatment protocols were first organized in 1979/80 and have been in constant development ever since. As new information on how the body really works is discovered, it is analyzed and if applicable a treatment protocol is constructed to integrate this knowledge into the existing N.O.T. programs. Many times extensions of the basic programs become apparent as we keep looking for answers. There is no end to knowledge.
N.O.T. is a total body program which can address almost any deficit which can befall the human condition. The body is a totally integrated biological entity where everything effects everything and as the song goes, the "head bone" is ultimately connected to the "foot bone". It is impossible to treat one part of the body only without effecting or causing stress or change somewhere else.
Nothing happens in the body by accident, everything is on purpose. There is a neural reflex or reflex system for every movement, every position and every function. For example, there are specific reflex systems which are responsible for our ability to become an erect animal and do what we need to do to survive. There are reflex systems for digestion of foods, for circulation, for walking, etc., etc..
Whiplash and Closed Head Injuries - nothing to do with the neck, muscle or soft tissue damage as generally accepted even though the cervical musculature seems to be involved. It is a loss of coordination between the head and neck righting reflex systems caused by a neuro- muscular reaction due to a sudden disturbance in the Cerebella Stretch Reflex system. The CSR activates the extensor muscle defense reflexes. (muscles of the neck become hypertonic, primary purpose to hold the head on the body). The treatment protocols need to be directed to the head and neck righting reflex systems and not the cervical spine or the cervical musculature. The uncomplicated whiplash injury with no brain or specific nerve damage can then be corrected in two or three treatments. It is important to know the light and weather conditions as this information allows the body's memory banks to recognize the conditions of the injury and allows for faster resolution (ie: a dark and rainy morning, dusk, etc.). Any cognitive deficits which are associated with whiplash injury are then addressed through the Cranial Reflex System. The whole program requires five or six weeks unless there is actual brain damage.
Idiopathic Scoliosis - Is not a spinal problem but rather a deficit in the Vestibular Ocular Reflex System activated by deficit in the Cerebella Stretch Reflex System which set the spindles of the Erector Spinae and Sacro Spinalis Muscle Groups too high, locking the body in a gait position. The extent of the Scoliosis and the rapidity of development depends solely on the length of the gait deficit. (the bigger the step the faster the progression. There are four stages of Scoliosis recognized. Infantile (0 to 3 yrs.), Juvenile (4 to 10 yrs.) Adolescent (11 to 15/16 yrs.) and Adult onset (17+ yrs.). The first three will have spinal distortion because the condition existed during the growth period. When a bone grows bent it will remain bent, NO ONE changes that. Adult onset usually has no deformity. There is the possibility of many scoliosises being present in the same person each relating to a specific accident or injury. Each whiplash will have a scoliosis related to that injury because of the associated Cerebella Stretch Reflex system. Although the deformity cannot be altered appreciably, the condition of Scoliosis can be eliminated and there will be no further deterioration of the erect posture or pain relating to this condition.
Specific Learning Difficulties - (Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalcula, etc.) Actually a group of conditions dealing with the inability to process language be it written, spoken, or symbolic. Characterized by difficulty with reading, writing, mathematics, spelling, making change, understanding words in normal conversation (particularly in a group of people), remembering names, poor time concept and directionality, difficult concentration, need to reread many times, can't catch or throw a ball accurately, poor balance, takes a long time to learn to ride a bike, etc.. The majority of investigators have determined that this complex disability is a combination of disorganizations within the central nervous system. There are gait and posture deficits, allergies, food sensitivities and digestive difficulties, and almost always a scoliosis. In this case, it is the link with the Vestibular Ocular Reflex System (found in both conditions) The Neural Organization Technique protocols are designed to specifically address all of the neural disorganizations found in the primal reflex systems which control the body. There is a specific cranial bone pattern of deficit found in the L.D. individual and depending on the specifics of the deficit a very precise determination can be made of type and extent of the L.D. problem. Then corrections to the cranial respiratory program will eliminate the L.D.problem.
(Special Note) - There are critics on The Net and elsewhere who criticize me for not doing my homework because "everyone knows that cranial bones do not move" . Ask your Dentist, Chiropractor, Osteopath, Physio Therapist, Kinesiologist and many Medical Doctors. Of course we also all know that the earth was flat. Some still think it is.
Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D.) - Every child or adult who has a learning deficit will have some sort of concentration and distractibility problem so this is not a proper criteria for diagnosis. A.D.D. is a special L.D. program with the same cranial deficits I find in Epilepsy. My feeling is that the spontaneous hyperactivity is really a manifestation of seizure activity. Both conditions are treated the same way with N.O.T. with excellent results. Another clue is that Epilepsy and A.D.D. respond very quickly to a Ketogenic Diet (no sugar).
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (A.D.H.D.) - This L.D. condition is distinguished by a series of cranial deficits which coincide with the behavior and activity of these individuals. The cranial deficit which relates to the function of the eye muscles is found bilaterally. (These individuals" see" things differently than most.) The cranial deficit relating to speech is in deficit bilaterally (speak with "forked tongue"). There is a redundant deficit in the sphenoid function as it rocks from side to side. It shifts from a schizoid pattern to a straight L.D. pattern back and forth. There is a similar redundant pattern in the Vestibular Ocular Reflex, which among other things is responsible for self image. These individuals are very paranoid because they think every one is against them or is a threat to them. There is a similar redundancy in the Spheno Vestibular and Spheno Ocular Reflex patterns which are responsible for concentration and distractibility and as a specific in relation to the A.D.H.D. individual they are self destructive and sell abusive. They tend to sabotage everything they attempt to do because they are not worthy.
A.D.D., A.D.H.D. Combination Disorder - These individuals have all of the above deficits in character and behavior. Depending on the phase of the sphenoid deficit they are fire bugs or vandals (destroy things because they felt like it)(grave yards are a particular target). They have no human feelings, they don't care about anything, they have no pain if you hit them. You cannot discipline them because they don't care. They interpret the world and everyone in it as hostile and will strike out at anyone if they just look at them. They will kill a small animal or bird for no reason and/or will violently attack someone for no reason. They have no remorse and they are potential suicides. (A particular combination of cranial findings) . They comprise the 14 year old boy syndrome. (Shoot down classmates, parents or kill someone they know to see how it feels, burn down a relatives house with them in it, etc.)
Down Syndrome (Trisome 21, and 14, 8 and Other Genetic deficits) - All these syndromes and conditions have obvious neurological disorganization which the N.O.T. protocols can address specifically. Each has its own very specific Cranial Faults which determines the shape of the head and face. Every Down individual I have seen has had a cardiac deficit in their neurological program, usually respond extremely well. The aim is to improve their quality of life and eliminate as many neurological deficits as possible both physical and cognitive. (reverse the genetic program if possible)
Immune System Deficits (Allergies) - The immune system is a system composed of organs, glands and tissues which must work in harmony. If there is a deficit in the synchronization of the function of the various organs, glands,etc. the body cannot respond properly to the indogenous and exogenous stresses and irritants. If the programs are completely disorganized then we are susceptable to auto immune diseases as we become allergic to our own blood. Before any attempt to use nutrition as most alternative practitioners do, I first organize the immune system and the digestive system so that the body can start to function as designed. There were no Health Food stores in the jungle. Then we make dietary changes and then nutritional supplementation as necessary.
Structural Deficits (Sacro Iliac, Sacro Lumbar, Sciatic & Disc Problems) - Problems with the weight bearing structures of the neck, spine and pelvis have been chronic for the most part. These deficits in function are the result of neurological disorganization of the reflex systems which control the gaits, postures and balances of the body and not in the structures themselves. When the integrity of the reflex systems which control these structures are restored the condition resolves itself.
Tempro Mandibular Joint (T.M.J.) - Part of the primary defense and survival system in the body. The TMJ does many things. It is responsible for the integrity of both the respiratory and pelvic diaphragms, Hiatal Hernia, Digestive Valve function (ICV, etc.), sequencing the digestive tract function, initiates the defense activity of the muscles of mastication to hold the face and head together, put tension into the cranial and spinal dura to stabilize and protect the brain and cord and to hold the head on the body, to establish tension in the body fascia to hold the body together and to hold the head on the body and to stabilize the sacro iliac and pelvic structures.