Lightning Strikes Twice!

Chiropractor Stuns 83 M.D.s in Detroit By Stopping Pain In Seconds on Many Doctors By Using Newly Discovered Neurological Reflexes!


The International College of Integrative Medicine invited Dr. Stephen Kaufman back to demonstrate Pain Neutralization Technique and the Manual Spinal Nerve Block to 83 M.D.s, in Detroit on Sept. 22, 2007. Here's what happened.

"I had continuous back pain since fracturing the transverse process of L1-2-3-4 in 1974. You treated me at the previous conference in 2006. The pain was completely gone in a few seconds. It's still gone. 18 month follow up: the pain never returned after that one treatment in 2006!Ted Rozema, M.D., former president, American College for Advancement in Medicine, past president, International College of Integrative Medicine, Landrum, S.C.

"I had a back injury 25 years ago. I've had persistent neck, mid-back and low back pain and tension. After Dr. Kaufman treated me, the pain is gone. My wife had right sacral pain for 38 years. Within a few minutes of treatment the pain is almost gone. Amazing." Dr. Gary Coller, D.O., Zeeland, MI

"I had an L/SI joint/piriformis/Iliotibial band pain for about 3 months, possibly due to both the delivery of my last child and a fall on stairs. Dr. Kaufman worked on all 3 areas and I am wildly better! I cannot believe that no one is teaching us this technique in medical school. My relief was instantaneous. I have had OMT, prolotherapy, trigger point injections and have done yoga--all to no avail and this treatment worked in 5 seconds. It's crazy. I must learn the mechanism and technique."  Dorothy Pedtke, D.O., Grand Rapids, MI

"Dr. Kaufman held a roomful of M.D.s and D.O.s spellbound with his non-invasive techniques to relieve pain instantly. Immediately after the ICIM conference I came home to treat my wife's knees. She is now sleeping pain free for the first time since last spring. Much obliged! Dr. K. also treated my sister yesterday for plantar fasciitis, a condition that has caused her considerable pain for about six months. Today she has no pain at all. I've found the techniques very effective in my own practice." Terry Chappell, Chappell, M.D., president, International College of Integrative Medicine, past president American College for Advancement in Medicine, Bluffton, Ohio

"I've had 3 lumbar surgeries, and back pain for many years. There was a dramatic difference in my left psoas tenderness after P.N.T. treatment." Richard Linchitz, M.D., Glen Cove, NY

"As a vendor at the ICIM conference, I kept hearing all of these amazing things that Dr. Kaufman had done at his demonstration. He examined me and uncovered "hot spots" or parts of my back that I never recognized as the potential cause of my condition. His treatment was fantastic! What a difference in ONE session!" Ron Wells, vendor, ICIM conference, from Columbus OH

"I had stiffness and pain in my neck (for months) which was immediately relieved after treatment! Thanks!!" Melanie Jeong, M.D., Plymouth, MI

"My upper trap and levator scapula had trigger points very tender and Dr. Stephen J. Kaufman, D.C., used his PNT on me and within approx 1-2 minutes 100% better, headache gone, and it no longer hurts to turn my head to the left. Thank you, sincerely." Jodi Palmer, CMT, MI 

"My trigger points have been very difficult to treat and chronic. I experienced definite improvement after P.N.T." Catherine Waller, M.D. Rochester, MI

"I'm now able to move my neck right and left, with no pain.  It's lots better." Mary McDonagh, M.D., Kansas City, MO

"As I listened to Dr. Kaufman's presentation, a number of patients ran through my head that would benefit from his techniques. This was definitely the highlight of the conference." Eric E. Born, D.O., Kalamazoo, MI

For info on the Pain Neutralization Technique DVD programs, click here  

(800) 774-5078      (303) 756-9567

(These reports were all written by the doctors themselves. No particular results are implied from these testimonials. Obviously these are my best reports; they may not be typical. Your results will vary. These techniques will not work on everyone. But we absolutely guarantee that you are delighted with the results, or your money back! This paper is meant for healing arts practitioners only and is not intended for the solicitation of new patients.)